Suzanne Jackson is a professional singer and certified yoga instructor and the creator of ChakraWakening, YogaWakening and YogaSing programs and DVD's. She specializes in teaching singers how to incorporate yoga techniques into their art form through preparing their bodies for improved performance and enhancing their connection to the breath.
Suzanne is currently on the faculty of the Washington National Opera Summer Institute, Opera Delaware’s Artist Workshop and Placido Domingo’s Operalia Competition. She has also served on the faculty of Wolf Trap Filene Young Artist Program and the Washington National Opera’s Domingo-Cafritz Young Artist Program.
Combining her extensive training in yoga and voice, Suzanne has created the YogaSing method, which became the basis for her DVD by the same name. The YogaSing program is a revolutionary approach to yoga designed specifically for singers, performers, and public speakers. The combination of yoga poses, relaxation techniques, chakra work and Qigong strengthens and tones muscles, increases flexibility and lung capacity, and enhances the mind/body connection. Many students have shared that YogaSing provided an added dimension to their performing careers. Suzanne regularly presents YogaSing and “The Art of Wellness for Singers” workshops to universities, operas and conventions.
In her DVD ChakraWakening, Suzanne works with each energy center through yoga and QiGong to awaken the chakras and enhance the user’s yoga practice and personal life. Suzanne has also created the YogaWakening DVD and CD, filled with sunrise stretches and sun salutations set to a soundtrack of chimes to help yogis at home greet the day.
Suzanne holds a master’s degree in voice performance from the University of Maryland and for 15 years she has performed as a resident singer with the Washington National Opera and the Baltimore Opera. Currently, she is the Director of the Awakening Arts and Yoga Center and teaches workshops both in the United States and abroad. She also offers private studio, voice, piano, flute and yoga instruction. Suzanne lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and three children.
In ChakraWakening, I explain the qualities of each energy center and give movements through Yoga and QiGong to awaken the Chakras within. The menu consists of an Introduction, History of the Chakras, Warm Up and the ChakraWakening Routine for Chakras One through Seven. The Introduction and History provide detailed information about this ancient energy system and its relation to the physical and energy body.
In addition to preparing the body for Yoga, the Warm Up is a ten minute segment that rejuvenates each individual Chakra when time does not allow for the entire routine. The main body of ChakraWakening holds sequences foreach Chakra which may be done in order or one at a time according to your daily needs.
You may complete the sequences with me or remain in relaxation pose as the soundtrack continues. I hope ChakraWakening brings your Yoga practice and your life to a new level of knowing!